Life Story Writing Services and Gifts

Have a life story professionally written and published in a beautiful coffee table-style book – the perfect gift of respect for a loved one. With over 30 years experience writing profiles and life stories, Felicity will ensure the experience is enjoyable and the final product is a keepsake to be treasured.

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Life Story Writing I Life Story Editing I Writing Mentoring I A Way With Words

Write your own life story, using our specially designed software to help edit grammar, add photos, structure the whole book and even do some writing for you if you wish. The voice-to-text option makes it easy to get the words down, or scan and convert your hard-copy diaries or pre-printed material into your book. Option to print your beautiful coffee table-style book.

More Information

Write My Life Story I Easy-to-use Writing Software I A Way With Words

Choose from a Writing Kit, which includes writing prompt cards and an accompanying instructional video, a gorgeous coffee table-style My Life Stories book to handwrite your life stories in, or ask me about my mentoring and editing services to help you complete your story.

More Information

Writing Life Stories Together Gift Pack and Workshops I A Way With Words

Creative Writing Videos and Courses for ages 3 to adult are on sale!

Sign up to be kept up to date for furture specials.

Life story books for sale.

Life Stories of the Northern Beaches 2024 I Book for sale I A Way With Word

Writing to make you feel good.

Drift a way with words, reminiscing through your Life Story, and recording it for posterity.

Preserve important and beautiful memories, by having the Life Story of a loved one professionally written. Or, write life stories together using the Writing Life Stories Gift Pack.  Grandkids and grandparents, friends with a shared history, siblings, and kids and parents have all enjoyed the process, with the easy, step-by-step Workshop and Interview Cards to guide them.

Every person’s story is important and extra-ordinary, and preserving them is vital.

Inspire the inner writer, with a Creative Writing Workshop. With options for children from the age of 3 up to adult, there is a library of techniques and genres to be learnt and enjoyed!

Come along, and discover A Way With Words.

Felicity Lenehan.

Life Story Writing

“Aahhh it’s so good!!! I’ve only read snippets so far but it’s amazing 😉 It’s like I can hear his voice. He will love it. What a treasure for us and our kids, and the generations to come ❤️”

A happy Life Story customer.

Life Story Writing

“I’m still crying real tears when reading it! Thanks so much for doing this for us.

We organised a surprise party for Dad and gifted him his book. My daughter read lots of it out. Dad was in tears. He loved it. Thank you sooo much.”

A happy Life Story customer.

Life Story Writing

“Documenting my dad’s life story is something that I have always wanted to do, but never had the time to do it and had no idea where to start. Felicity took care of everything!  The only thing we had to do was think about anything specific we wanted included in his life story and the rest was up to whatever my dad wanted to share. Dad was surprised at how much he enjoyed the experience. He found Felicity easy to talk to and whilst he was a bit nervous to start, soon felt comfortable and no doubt could have talked to her all day! The story that Felicity wrote was so wonderful. She used his words and expression and was able to craft it into a perfect reflection of my dad’s life. She even unveiled details of his life that I had never heard before! I am thrilled to have my dad’s life and memories captured in one place and it is something I will treasure forever.  PS Mum is next!!!”

Happy Life Story Customer.

Life Story Writing

“Thank you so much Felicity, this is just what we envisioned and I’m sure it’s importance won’t be truly clear for many years to come yet, but we love Dad’s story! We appreciate your time, effort and patience.”

Happy Life Story Customer.

Creative Writing Workshop Video

“Hi Felicity, I just wanted to let you know that Lucas is LOVING your video, and is basically watching it on repeat while her writes. We fully support and love the online writing course and can’t wait for the next installation!”

Vanessa, mum to 7 year old Lucas, Writing Workshops.

Creative Writing Workshops and Videos

“It went so well. They spent a whole hour on it and are only about quarter of the way through the video clips. I think I will get an hour a day, for a week, from it!! They loved it – I had to ask them to stop writing and planning.  I’d say it’s great for siblings or friends to do together as there was a lot of discussion and idea sharing- even though they are writing their own books.Thanks so much – it was nice to have a “lesson” taken by someone else!”

Meg Garrido, mum to 8 and 10 year old girls, Writing Workshops and Videos.

Writing Life Stories Gift Pack

“We are two cards in, having interviewed their grandmother in NZ twice this week. The kids take turns with one interviewing her and the other note taking. We have scheduled three more zooms with her next week and have a goal to complete the serious by the end of the school holidays. The children are enjoying hearing their Nanny’s interesting and at times, hilariously funny stories. I have no doubt that Nanny is enjoying their bonding session as well.

“We may well end up doing it as a live presentation as we’ve been recording our sessions so can use these to refer back to. We’re lucky in that Nanny is the gate keeper of a lot of the family history and she has also sent us some great photos and memorabilia to accompany her Life Story…

“What we’ve found that has worked well is that I send her your card and link to your Workshop Video for each stage. She then comes to the Zoom well prepared. We also keep our zooms to 40 minutes so the children don’t tire. If it were me writing the story I’d probably just let it flow and be more organic but, I really want this to be from the children’s point of view. My daughter enjoys drawing and is excited about illustration parts of the story.”

A happy Writing Life Stories Gift Pack family!

Creative Writing Fiction Course

“Felicity is really easy to communicate with. She explains everything really clearly and has understandable ways of setting your story out. She helped guide me through every step of my book-from getting my ideas onto the paper to choosing my main characters; all the way to helping create the settings of the story onto paper. She makes writing feel like fun not hard work. Writing my book has been such a great exercise to further extend my writing abilities and learn tips and tricks from an expert.”

Creative Writing Course writer, Kaitlyn, age 14.

Creative Writing Fiction Course

“Sofia really loved it & came home super inspired!!! She’s started typing up Chapter 1 which is very exciting.”

Creative Writing Course writer Sofia, age 10.

Creative Writing Workshops

“Mr 10 and Miss 9 just completed the writer’s workshop in the school holidays and absolutely loved it!! They have both almost finished their very own stories up to chapter 5!! Both have commented how calming and helpful Felicity was and definitely want to do this again!”

Creative Writing Workshop writers, aged 10 and 9.

Life Story Writer I Memoir Writer I Life Stories Australia I A Way With Words

Board Member of the Life Stories Australia Association.

Life Stories Australia is dedicated to supporting the craft of life story writing and recording and supporting the professionals who do that.

Headspace I Creative Writing for Young People I A Way With Words

A Headspace Provider of creative writing courses and workshops.

Creating fiction books, personal stories, poetry, competition pieces and much more with headspace clients.

Media feature, by Future Assist Group of Companies

About Felicity…

Avid author of life stories and non-fiction texts, specialising in the narratives of people who are unique – (all of us), trauma stories and writing for therapy, Intergenerational storytelling, and mentoring people to produce their own life stories…

Proud board member of the Life Stories Australia Association, and business owner of A Way With Words…
In partnership with headspace and the NSW Government Creative Kids Program, I also work to harness the imagination and build the self-confidence of young people through writing. My current writing project focusses on young entrepreneurs…
As a former international fashionista (fashion and lifestyle journalist in Australia, UK and Europe for commercial and B2B newspapers and magazines), I’m now lover of the comfortable sneaker and a good listener ear.

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